Sep 18, 2023

We are thrilled to invite you to join us at the CAMX 2023 Composite Show - the largest, most comprehensive composites and advanced materials event in North America.

The expo will take place at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, GA, from October 30 to November 2, 2023. This year's event promises to unite the global composites and advanced materials communities, offering an unrivaled platform for networking, learning, and advancing the industry.

We are excited to showcase our HD1-220-ton Servo Hydraulic Press and latest production innovations at booth R-24.

Come and discover Sutherland Presses' state-of-the-art Servo Hydraulic Presses, renowned for their precision, durability, and efficiency. We will also be demonstrating our cutting-edge I-PRESS Controls, designed to enhance productivity while ensuring the utmost safety.

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When you combine our Servo Drive Fluid Management (SDFM) system with I-PRESS controls, press energy consumption can be reduced by as much as 70% when compared to traditional hydraulic presses.

In addition, we are proud to feature MFG Molded Fiberglass companies, leaders in the field of reinforced plastic and composite solutions. MFG will have experts on site to discuss any parts that you might like to have made. Explore their wide range of processes, including open mold, closed mold, and a host of other innovative applications. Their expertise spans multiple industries, from transportation and construction to renewable energy and more.

Don't miss this chance to immerse yourself in the future of composites and advanced materials. Whether you're looking to connect with industry leaders, discover new technologies, or gain insights into emerging trends, CAMX 2023 is the place to be.

We look forward to welcoming you to booth R-24. Together, let's shape the future of composites and advanced materials.

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Visit our I-SHOW Virtual 265,000 Sq Ft showroom to lean more

Also feel free to use our AI, Ms. Fiona Fiberton to learn more about composite manufacturing

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Example of Ms. Fiberton’s knowledge below:

Your Question: Teach me about the different process of composite parts made in presses.

Ms. Fiberton’s Answer: Hello there! I’d be delighted to share some information about the different processes used in the creation of composite parts.

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  1. Compression Molding: This is the most common choice for high-volume composite parts. It’s often associated with SMC (sheet molding composite) and BMC (bulk molding composite) materials. In this process, matched metal dies are mounted in a hydraulic molding press. The material charge is manually or robotically placed in the mold, heated mold halves are closed, and up to 2,000psi of pressure is applied. The molding time can range from 1-5 minutes depending on the part size and thickness. Features such as ribs, bosses, and inserts can be molded in. The result is high strength, complex parts in a wide variety of sizes with excellent finished surfaces and outstanding part-to-part repeatability.
  2. Matched Die Molding: This is another method used in the production of FRP/Composite products. It involves the use of two matching molds that shape the material into the desired form.
  3. Contact Molding: This is a more specialized molding method that involves the application of a resin and reinforcement material to a mold. The material is then allowed to cure, forming the final product.
  4. Injection Molding: This process involves injecting a heated material into a mold. The material then cools and hardens, taking the shape of the mold.
  5. Structural Reaction Injection Molding: This is a variant of injection molding that is used for creating parts that have a strong structure and are lightweight.
  6. LCM Process + Preform – MFG PRiME™: This is a compression molding process with pre-placed reinforcement. It’s become the platinum standard in industries where lightweight, high reliability components are required.

Remember, the choice of process depends on the desired shape, properties, and production cost of the FRP/Composite components. Each process has its own advantages and is suited to different applications.


Sutherland Presses


We are thrilled to invite you to join us at the CAMX 2023 Composite Show - the largest, most comprehensive composites and advanced materials event in North America.

The expo will take place at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, GA, from October 30 to November 2, 2023. This year's event promises to unite the global composites and advanced materials communities, offering an unrivaled platform for networking, learning, and advancing the industry.

We are excited to showcase our HD1-220-ton Servo Hydraulic Press and latest production innovations at booth R-24.

Come and discover Sutherland Presses' state-of-the-art Servo Hydraulic Presses, renowned for their precision, durability, and efficiency. We will also be demonstrating our cutting-edge I-PRESS Controls, designed to enhance productivity while ensuring the utmost safety.



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